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All reviews for category Passiflora - Passion fruits

Passiflora edulis

Passiflora edulis

Product sheet

Planted in late spring, it has grown a lot, already 5 fruits after manually pollinating the flowers. Very pleased with my order.

Jean Michel

Very beautiful plant. Received in late spring and already have 5 passion fruits after manually pollinating them.


It has grown tremendously since it was planted and is starting to bloom.


Plant arrived in perfect condition, very green and of a good size. Planted on the day of its arrival, it has started well and the young shoots are already about ten centimetres long. I don't regret this purchase at all for now, but we'll see what it will yield in terms of fruits.


Received a very beautiful plant, very vigorous.


Conforming to the description: Plant of a good size, nice and green, and in perfect health. Thank you Promesse de Fleurs, and by the way, thank you also for your very helpful instructional videos!


The Passionfruit was eaten by slugs and snails as soon as it was planted ... only the stem was left. I couldn't manage to save it afterwards.


Planted in March in the conservatory, 3 fruits for now, to be continued for tasting...


Plant arrived in good condition and quickly. It will remain in the cold greenhouse this summer and will be brought indoors this winter. Thanks to the team.


I received 2 Passiflora edulis almost 3 weeks ago. The first one is beautiful, very vigorous with 10 buds and a lush foliage. Since it was already quite large, it was twisted (in an inextricable way) for transportation. Afraid of breaking everything, I planted it as is. It seems to have adapted very well. The flowers are very beautiful and only last for a day. 3 of them have just fallen. Will I have any fruits? The second one had a vine broken due to probably a bit too vigorous folding for transportation. Consequently, there is only one vine left, planted a bit scrawny but still seems to be in good shape. I hope it will develop. 29/6/2020 I am adding to my review. The first plant is now giving me fruits thanks to the very easy manual pollination. However, the second one arrived in bad condition and ultimately did not recover.
