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Perennials for continental climate

1420 results

1420  results


You garden in the East or Centre of France, in Alsace or in Cantal, or any other region with harsh winters and hot summers? Find here our selection of perennials adapted to this type of climate, which is called continental climate. Oriental Poppies, Japanese Anemones, Chinese Peonies, asters, perennial geraniums, Hellebores and other grasses (Panicums)... These plants, which adapt well in regions far from the coast, sometimes experience a temperature difference of more than 25 or 30°C between winter and summer. They are therefore particularly robust, capable of enduring long periods of severe frost and relatively high summer temperatures, combined with moderate droughts. All of them have proven themselves without summer watering or winter protection. In mainland France, the continental climate officially characterizes the northeast quarter, Alsace, Lorraine, Ardennes, Franche-Comté, and part of Burgundy as it descends towards the Rhône Valley.

Also check out our buying guide "Perennial Plants: How to Choose"

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