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All reviews for category Laurentia or Isotoma seeds

Laurentia Stargazer Mixed Seeds - Solenopsis axillaris

Laurentia Stargazer Mixed Seeds - Solenopsis axillaris

Product sheet

I didn't have any trouble with the sowing; the seeds germinated well. The young plants all took well in the open ground or in pots. Some experienced rapid growth, while others were slower. It is worth noting that the hummingbird hawk-moths seem to enjoy them.


It should be noted that sowing is not suitable for beginners ... Tiny seeds stuck to the packet, indeed one is not sure if they have been placed in the right spot. If only they deign to germinate, that would be great :)


I think I have sown these tiny seeds, there weren't 60 of them in my opinion, but I'm not sure if I planted anything. The packet is too big for so few seeds that stick to the package due to static electricity and their lightness, a smaller and appropriate packet should be placed inside the large one as some brands do.


I haven't planted these seeds yet.

Françoise M.

Hello, I also received the packet of seeds today. These are so tiny (and also few in number in the packet) that it is difficult to sow them. However, the name of the seeds is clearly marked on the back of the packet, even though the front photo of the packet is not representative of the seeds of the requested plant. My main concern is especially the number of seeds, especially since they are so small that one wonders if they have been planted or not. We'll see what will grow in the future. Yours sincerely.


I received a package last Saturday, which was my first order. I'll have to see how it goes in the coming weeks, but I'm still waiting for my second order so that I can start sowing.

Carline B.

Seeds received in a plain sachet without a photo of the flower or an indication of the expiry date. 7 out of the 8 sachets of flowers received this morning are identical: I will have to take screenshots to know what I bought! RUBBISH!!!


Laurentia Avant-Garde Blue F1 Seeds - Solenopsis axillaris

Laurentia Avant-Garde Blue F1 Seeds - Solenopsis axillaris

Product sheet

very beautiful young plant


Hello everyone, which family does the Laurentia belong to, please? Thank you in advance. It is a very lovely young plant that flowers quite abundantly and is not difficult to keep in a pot.


Following my complaint, you sent me a packet of laurentia seeds. Unfortunately, the packet does not contain any seeds. It seems that I have no luck. Additionally, you were supposed to include a voucher for the surfinias that were not the requested colour. There were 2 batches. I have not received the voucher either. I am waiting for your call at 06 79 00 08 25. Regards, Mrs. Jardinier Christiane. PROMESSE DE FLEURS' RESPONSE: We are truly sorry as we place great importance on the quality of our plants and their growth. If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service at or via email at serviceclient@promessedefleurs.com, and we will proceed with replacement or refund if necessary.


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