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All reviews for category Chitalpa and Chilopsis

Chitalpa tashkentensis

Chitalpa tashkentensis

Product sheet

Plant arrived in good condition, a bit too early to see if it's taking well.


Good evening! I've had this tree for several years, it's about four meters tall, it blooms every year, but unfortunately I think it's suffering from verticillium wilt, most of the branches have dried up like those of Japanese maples. But I give it onion and garlic peelings that I use in cooking just in case it could be effective, as a substitute for sulphur. I don't know if it's because of that, but the tree is sprouting from the base, the young branches are very vigorous and the old high branches still flower, so I hope I'll be able to save it. And there's a somewhat ironic story in my garden about the chitalpa, because I had the catalpa first, then the chitalpa, and last summer my son, a landscaper, gave me the "in-between" one, I'm talking about the chilopsis linearis...

Françoise Marie

I planted a young plant about ten years ago. The photos are very similar to the bush in my garden. It is 4 metres (13 feet) tall and wide and doesn't seem determined to spread much further. The colour of the flowers is quite pale and it's best to admire them up close. It's more of a large bush, without any issues. It is planted in well-draining soil, in a dry climate during the summer, with occasional cold snaps that have reached below -12 in the past ten years.


Chilopsis linearis

Chilopsis linearis

Product sheet

Ordered in a 12-15 L size, first forgotten in the package (yes, it happens Cerise!) finally received a beautiful specimen matching the presentation photo. Planted facing south with a mix of gravel and crushed tiles to ensure drainage. The foliage is starting to emerge (end of April). Waiting for it to establish and for the next colourful flowering.


Well arrived after multiple adventures (wink to Cerise). Appearing dry upon delivery, the foliage starts to bud in mid-April. Eye planted in full sun with the addition of stones and crushed tiles for drainage. Resistance to be compared with its magnificent cousin Chitalpa Summer Bells. To be continued.


Hello, I already have a young chilopsis plant that I am very happy with. I would like to acquire more... When you mention that it is necessary to plant them at a distance from other trees, would you have more details to provide, especially the precise distance? I was thinking of putting them near an arbutus, a vitex, and a plane tree... Thank you!


Small young plant received in November 2020. Attention! Late growth in spring! I almost believed it was on its deathbed...


Willow ordered in mid-January, arrived quickly. No leaves or buds yet, but normal for the season. Pleasantly surprised by the beautiful height of the tree, about 1.10m (4ft). Can't wait to see it this summer.


Received without foliage at this time of the year, so it takes imagination and lovely pictures of PDF to get an idea. Well-ramified and rooted young plant. Good packaging. Looking forward to the regrowth and the next flowering.


x Chitalpa tashkentensis Summer Bells

x Chitalpa tashkentensis Summer Bells

Product sheet

Absolutely stunning in bloom. A very beautiful trunk.


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