All reviews for category Semiarundinaria

Semiarundinaria fastuosa - Medium-sized Bamboo

Semiarundinaria fastuosa - Medium-sized Bamboo

Product sheet

Young plant received with yellow leaves and some completely dry leaves. A bit disappointed at the moment. Since potting, the bamboo hasn't produced any more yellow leaves. I sincerely hope it will adapt to its new environment and thrive. To be continued...


Semiarundinaria fastuosa var. viridis

Semiarundinaria fastuosa var. viridis

Product sheet

Planted in the ground for over a year and a half now in the recommended setup conditions described. Lovely foliage, hardly spreads and stays at 2m (7ft) even when new canes are growing. A bit disappointed on this point as I was looking for a bamboo that would reach at least 6m (20ft) for the visual aspect.


Very beautiful specimens, of a good size, I have installed a rootstock barrier and I will plant them in the ground after the last frost.


For now, I keep my young plants in very large pots, as I plan to plant them in a plot of land that I have not yet acquired. I will place them in isolated clumps between 2 Leyland cypresses that I will let grow freely (distances will need to be carefully calculated). I think the contrast between traditional and exotic will be interesting and will also provide greenery throughout the winter. Of course, anti-rootstock barriers will need to be installed during planting. Stay tuned...

Rebecca N.

Beautiful bamboo, well packaged upon arrival; soil slightly moist. Nothing to say. However, be aware: this is a running bamboo (invasive), so I will install a closed anti-rhizome barrier with a doorframe, nuts, and bolts to secure it, as bamboo roots are strong. Afterwards, this constraint is not a problem for me because the advantage is that this bamboo is evergreen and it grows very, very fast in theory! (reaches 6m (20ft), its adult habit, in 5 years). Since I am not patient, it's perfect for me.

Rebecca N.

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