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Blue Hibiscus

11 results

11  results


Our range of mauve, violet and blue hibiscus or Althaea. The most well-known bluish variety is 'Hibiscus syriacus 'Oiseau Bleu'', famous for its large lavender-blue flowers with a bright red heart. 'Purple Ruffles' offers double flowers in deep purple and violet shades, while 'Lavender Chiffon' is adorned with large, very double mauve-pink corollas, streaked with purple. Discover also the variety 'Ultramarine' with its large dark lavender flowers and purple heart that bloom from July to September. Hibiscus syriacus blooms abundantly from summer to autumn, bringing a touch of exoticism and colour to the garden.

Althaeas are hardy shrubs that appreciate a sunny exposure and well-drained soil. To promote abundant flowering, lightly prune them in spring. Regular watering during the growing season is essential, but be careful to avoid excess water.

Hibiscus syriacus, or Rose of Sharon, is not very susceptible to diseases, but still keep an eye out for aphids and red spiders. For regions with harsh winters, protect young plants with mulch.


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