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Autumn Crocuses

16 results

16  results


Our range of Autumn Crocuses. In addition to Sternbergia lutea, a bulbous plant from the Amaryllidaceae family well known as the "autumn crocus", there are true crocuses, belonging to the Iridaceae family, that flower between September and October. Especially the famous saffron crocus, Crocus sativus, and Crocus cartwrightianus Albus, with white flowers, that also produces saffron. Rather easy to cultivate and naturalise, Crocus speciosus has given rise to lovely varieties such as  'Conqueror' or 'Albus' which faithfully return each year. Let's also mention Crocus serotinus subsp. salzmannii, another botanical species with bright purple flowers that easily naturalises in any well-drained soil. Less common in cultivation, and also more demanding, Crocus karduchorum offers lovely pale lilac flowers with white feathery throats and styles, in September-October. Discover the diversity of these charming autumn bulbs below.

The bulbs of autumn crocuses are planted in summer. Depending on the requirements of each variety, they can be planted in the lawn, rockery, flowerbed, or border. In any case, their lovely flowers bring a touch of colour and welcome light at the end of the season.


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