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Marsh Mallow - Althaea

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```html Our range of Marshmallows (Althaea) showcases these plants from the Malvaceae family, both ornamental and medicinal, perfect for natural gardens. We love them for their generous flowering and beneficial properties. The Common Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) is a perennial plant renowned for its therapeutic virtues. Its delicate flowers, ranging from pink to white, appear all summer long. Reaching 1.5 m in height, it easily finds its place in a wild border, in a simple square or in the vegetable garden. Besides its decorative aspect, its roots are traditionally used for their soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, particularly in herbal medicine. The Althaea cannabina, or False Hemp Marshmallow, is a European wild species. Its finely cut leaves resemble those of hemp, its bright pink summer flowers attract pollinators in borders or flowering meadows. This variety, which can reach up to 2 m in height, brings lightness to sunny gardens. Marshmallows, like Mallows, thrive in the sun in rather calcareous soils. They are hardy plants and easy to grow. For more information, also read our article "Mallow, malva: sowing, planting, culture" ```
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