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Brugmansia - Angel's Trumpet

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Brugmansias, known as angel's trumpets or trumpet of judgment, are spectacular bushes with exotic charm. The most well-known species is Brugmansia arborea, a magnificent tropical young plant with white pendulous trumpet-shaped flowers that exude a sweet fragrance, especially in the evening. Among the most beautiful varieties, Brugmansia sanguinea stands out with its orange flowers, often edged in yellow. Native to the mountainous regions of South America, this variety prefers cooler conditions and shows particular resistance to diseases. Also worth mentioning is the Brugmansia suaveolens, native to Brazil, renowned for the fragrance of its white or pale yellow flowers. The Brugmansia x candida is another highly sought-after variety, with its large double or triple flowers in various colours, ranging from pure white to bright yellow, and sometimes even orange. This hybrid species is particularly appreciated for its long flowering period, extending from spring to autumn.

Brugmansias are not Daturas, although they belong to the same family of Solanaceae and are occasionally confused. The main difference lies in the size and orientation of the flowers: Brugmansias have pendulous flowers, while Daturas have upright flowers.

Brugmansias thrive in rich, well-drained soil, in full sun or partial shade. They require regular watering, especially during the growth period, and protection against strong winds. Sensitive to frost, they should be overwintered in a bright veranda or room that is not too warm.

For more information, also check out our comprehensive guide "Datura and Brugmansia: sowing, planting, and maintenance"

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