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Baby sages - Salvia microphylla

37 results

37  results


Our range of Small-Leaved Salvias (Salvia microphylla and related species). The most famous one is Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips', a popular variety known for its red and white bicoloured flowers. 'Cerro Potosi' offers bright pink flowering, while 'Royal Bumble' stands out with its dark velvet red flowers. 'Violette de Loire' charms with its deep violet flowers, and 'California Sunset' stands out with its apricot salmon-orange flowers. These shrubby salvias are extremely floriferous from spring to autumn. They are appreciated in the garden, in sunny borders, as well as in containers on the terrace.

Small-Leaved Salvias (Salvia microphylla, S. x jamensis, S. greggii) belong to the Lamiaceae family. These shrubby perennial plants, native to mountainous areas of Mexico and Arizona, are characterised by their small aromatic oval leaves and their tubular flowers in vibrant colours. They form dense bushes that can reach up to 1.2m in height.

Small-Leaved Salvias require a sunny exposure and well-drained soil. They tolerate drought once established, making them ideal plants for low-water gardens. Plant them in spring, spacing the plants about 40cm apart. Regular watering is necessary during the first year to ensure good establishment. Container-grown plants will require more water.


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