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Cassia (Senna)

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Our range of Cassia or senna. These exotic bushes for mild climates are appreciated for their yellow flowering and decorative foliage. The most well-known variety is Cassia corymbosa, a bush with an elegant habit that produces clusters of yellow flowers from July until late summer. Cassia floribunda is a tropical bush that produces a profusion of bright dark yellow flowers in pendulous clusters. Its light and vivid green foliage, cut into wide leaflets, along with its long flowering period, make it a popular plant. Cassia didymobotrya produces fragrant yellow flowers and its foliage smells like popcorn when crushed. Cassia fistula, also known as "golden shower", is another remarkable species with its long pendulous clusters of yellow flowers that appear in spring.

The Cassias thrive in full sun in well-drained soil. They bring a touch of colour and exoticism to the garden in regions where winters are mild. These bushes withstand drought well once established. In colder regions, they are grown in containers and overwintered like citrus trees.

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