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Purple Clematis

86 results
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Our range of Clematis with violet, mauve or purple flowers. These include charming little climbers like Clematis viticella Etoile Violette, whose small flowers bloom all summer, or robust climbers like the famous Jackmanii Clematis that displays large star-shaped flowers of a rich purple throughout the summer. The large-flowered varieties of the Patens group, like 'The Vagabond', bloom twice in the season, in spring and again towards the end of summer. While Viticella Clematis such as 'Purpurea Plena Elegans', with small double flowers of purple, produce flowers throughout the summer in successive waves. Depending on the variety flowers can be small or, on the contrary, measure over 10 cm (4in), be single or double, in the form of trailing bells or large stars. To decorate a terrace, choose compact varieties (up to 1.50 m (5ft)) that flower throughout the summer, like 'Saphyra Violetta', or the Clematis flammula 'Aromatica' whose blooms exhale an intense scent near a path or entrance. One of the most original is without doubt Clematis macropetala 'Eximia', very hardy, which quickly covers a wall with double flowers with long pale violet tepals.

Clematis represent a genus rich in diversity, with varieties in all colours, shapes and sizes. Take advantage of their easy cultivation to give your garden or terrace a romantic and bohemian touch.

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