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Eccentric Nature

33 results

33  results


All the plants from the "Eccentric Nature" selection in our spring/summer 2024 catalogue. Step off the beaten track with these plants that offer a true festival of colours and shapes. Invite into your garden the 'Spotty Dotty' Podophyllum, a ground cover perennial with speckled leaves that resemble works of art, Coniogramme emeiensis, discreetly elegant, this bamboo fern brings a touch of peaceful greenery. Tricyrtis hirta, a rising star of the garden, a Japanese perennial that fascinates with its exotic orchid-like flowers. The  'Purple Fantasy' Persicaria runcinata, on the other hand, transforms every corner into a purple and green mosaic. Also discover the 'Red Leopard' Pseudowintera colorata, a treasure with variegated leaves of red and green that capture light and attention. The surprising 'Mojito' Colocasia esculenta displays marbled leaves of black and green, evoking tropical nights. Each of these varieties has been selected for its originality and its ability to bring a touch of eccentricity to any setting. Discover all these beautiful and whimsical plants!


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