Purple Astilbes

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Our Astilbes with violet, mauve, or purple flowers. Like the dwarf Astilbe 'Visions', the miniature A. chinensis 'Pumila', or 'A. arendsii 'Amethyst' - a few varieties that display feathery summer flowering in this rich colour palette. They are remarkable perennial plants for wet soil, ideal for bringing life to the partially shaded areas that they appreciate. Also discover the Chinese Astilbe 'Purpurkerze', a small variety with purple spikes. Or the magnificent cultivar 'Purpurlanze', with large carmine-purplish plumes that rise up to 1.20 m (4ft) from the ground and are visible from afar in the garden in late summer. One of the most astonishing, the 'Darkside Of The Moon' selection, is the first to develop its chocolate foliage and offers beautiful pinkish-violet flowers. The flowering of astilbes brightens the surroundings of water features, cool borders, and wet areas of the garden. These perennials also perform very well in large pots kept cool on the terrace. They are all highly resistant to cold, never get sick, and live for a long time in the same spot. In addition to the flowers, the more or less divided foliage is often decorative, although it disappears in winter.


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