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Ginkgo biloba Chotek

Ginkgo biloba Chotek
Maidenhair Tree

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A unique and rare variety of Tree with forty crowns, coveted by collectors, which stands out for its unusual, even deformed, leaves. Sporting a rounded habit, as wide as it is tall, this bush with a dense canopy reaches 2 to 3 metres in all directions. Autumn foliage of intense and vibrant yellow. It is fairly undemanding and appreciates a sunny exposure in humus-rich and not too dry soil.
Flower size
5 cm
Height at maturity
3.50 m
Spread at maturity
3.50 m
Hardy down to -29°C
Soil moisture
Moist soil

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Best planting time March, October
Recommended planting time February to April, September to November
Flowering time April to May


The 'Chotek' Ginkgo biloba is a unique and rare variety, coveted by collectors. It is distinguished by its unusual leaves. Some leaves are wider than the typical ones, while others fold in on themselves to form tubes. Many leaves have a more standard shape. With a rounded habit, as wide as it is tall, this bush with a dense canopy reaches a height of 2 to 3 metres and a width of 2 to 3 metres at maturity. In autumn, the 'Chotek' Ginkgo biloba is adorned with intense and vibrant yellow foliage, creating a breathtaking spectacle that brightens the surrounding landscape. It is relatively undemanding and appreciates a sunny exposure in humus-bearing soil that is not too dry.

Ginkgo biloba is an ancient tree belonging to the ginkgoales family, which is now practically extinct. This "living fossil tree," which does not produce flowers, generally reaches a height of 24 metres and has a vertical structure in its youth that spreads over the years, reaching a diameter of 9 metres. Originally from China, this majestic tree has long disappeared from its natural environment and owes its survival to humans who continue to plant it.

The 'Chotek' variety is a horticultural selection originating from Czechoslovakia, resulting from a mutation of the 'Witches' Broom' variety. Its growth is relatively slow at first, then moderate, with the bush reaching a height of 2 to 3 metres and a similar width at maturity. Its branching is compact, and its young shoots are thick and covered in fuzz. The deciduous leaves are light olive green in spring and darken slightly in summer before turning an intense golden yellow at the end of the season before falling. Their shape is like a fan, with wavy and toothed lobes, resembling a cone. What distinguishes this variety most are its unusual leaves. Some are wider than those of the typical species, while others fold in on themselves to form tubes. This small tree shows remarkable resistance to severe cold.

The 'Chotek' Ginkgo is ideally planted as a solitary tree on a lawn, creating a captivating focal point throughout the year. Its appearance blends perfectly with Japanese, exotic, or contemporary settings. It can be paired with Japanese maples, oakleaf hydrangeas, purple barberries, and blue glaucous conifers. Its beauty, small size, and resistance to urban pollution also make it an attractive choice for small urban gardens.

Interestingly, despite its deciduous leaves, Ginkgo biloba is a conifer, from a botanical perspective. It is a very hardy and robust bush. It was one of the few to survive the Hiroshima bomb in 1945!

It is the oldest tree species found on Earth: dating back 300 million years, it has survived all the cataclysms that the Earth has experienced. This tree has been living for thousands of years in the Tianmushan Mountains in southeastern China. It was reintroduced to Europe in the 18th century. With exceptional longevity, the Ginkgo is also a medicinal plant.

Plant habit

Height at maturity 3.50 m
Spread at maturity 3.50 m
Habit ball, spherical
Growth rate slow


Flower colour insignificant
Flowering time April to May
Flower size 5 cm


Foliage persistence Deciduous
Foliage colour green

Botanical data









Other common names

Maidenhair Tree


Cultivar or hybrid

Planting and care

Ginkgo Biloba 'Chotek' is a very hardy tree, resistant to temperatures as low as -30°C, but it doesn't like excessive heat; it suffers above 30°C, especially if the soil is dry. It thrives in the sun in any good fertile, deep, and well-drained soil. It loves loamy soils. Ensure that it does not lack water during the summer period. It tolerates soil with a tendency to be chalky as long as it remains moist. In dry soil, this tree will develop very slowly. But it will also suffer in soil that is too wet and heavy, constantly saturated with water. It is a very resilient bush that withstands urban pollution well. When planting, dig a hole deep enough and rich in humus. During the plant's dormant period, in February-March, remove awkward, too long, or tangled stems to maintain a harmonious shape.

Planting period

Best planting time March, October
Recommended planting time February to April, September to November

Intended location

Suitable for Meadow, Rockery
Type of use Free-standing, Slope
Hardiness Hardy down to -29°C (USDA zone 5) Show map
Ease of cultivation Amateur
Planting density 1 per m2
Exposure Sun
Soil pH Any
Soil type Chalky (poor, alkaline and well-drained), Clayey (heavy), Clayey-chalky (heavy and alkaline), Silty-loamy (rich and light), Stony (poor and well-drained)
Soil moisture Moist soil, Well drained.


Pruning instructions During the plant's dormant period, in February-March, remove any unruly, excessively long, or tangled stems to maintain an orderly shape.
Pruning Pruning recommended once a year
Pruning time February
Soil moisture Moist soil
Disease resistance Very good
Overwinter Can be left in the ground

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