Pink Butterfly bush

26 results

26  results


Our selection of Buddleias or butterfly bush with pink flowers. This lovely, tender and romantic, or joyful or more assertive colour is not rare among these shrubs sought after for their scented summer flowering. Some are large shrubs, superb in a hedge, like Buddleia davidii 'Pink Delight' with fresh pink flower spikes. Intermediate-sized varieties fit more easily in a flower bed or in a small garden. For example, the 'Pink Panther' butterfly bush, 1.50m (5ft) tall, is selected for the abundance and fragrance of its pastel pink summer flowering. Buddleia davidii 'Rêve de Papillon Pink', of the same size, is a recent cultivar with enormous pink-purple inflorescences, greatly appreciated by butterflies. Ideal for container cultivation, buddleia 'Miss Ruby' is a very compact bush, 1.20m (4ft) tall, adorned continuously from June to October with dark pink, but vibrant, flower spikes.

The butterfly bush, truly graceful and easy to grow, can be used individually, grouped in a flower bed, in a hedge or even in a container for dwarf varieties. They offer a beautiful diversity in terms of colours and foliage, which allows them to be associated with all flowering shrubs in the garden.


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