White Butterfly bush

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10  results


A selection of Buddleias or Butterfly Bushes with white flowering, among the best. These are deciduous, semi-evergreen or evergreen shrubs of varying sizes, appreciated for their generous summer flowering, often fragrant, which attracts butterflies. Some are large shrubs to be planted in a hedge or as a standalone specimen, such as Buddleia davidii White Profusion, with a graceful, slightly trailing habit, reaching a height of 3m (10ft), and producing an abundance of large panicles in white colour with a yellow eye, highly scented. Slightly smaller, Buddleia 'White Bouquet' with long floral spikes is considered the most beautiful of all white buddleias. If you want to adopt a potted Butterfly Bush, opt for dwarf varieties such as Buddleia 'Argus White' which does not exceed 1m (3ft) in open ground and blooms generously from June to October. Among the smaller white varieties, suitable for small gardens, we can mention 'White Ball', with a wide, dense and rounded habit and very dense snowy white panicles, much shorter than those of other varieties. The hybrid buddleia 'Nanho White' has lovely semi-evergreen grey foliage, is very drought resistant, and produces small, delicate and fine floral spikes in successive waves from June to October. More unusual, discover 'Silver Anniversary', an incredibly bright plant for mild climates, with discreet summer flowering on beautiful silvery fuzzy foliage that persists in winter. 




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