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Large Philadelphus

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Our selection of large Philadelphus, tall bushes that exceed 2.50 m (8ft) in height at maturity and can reach 3.50 m (11ft) for the most vigorous ones. These large bushes, also known as mock oranges, charm with their highly fragrant white flowers in late spring. Essential, Philadelphus 'Virginal' reaches 3.50 m (11ft), it bears single or double flowers that are extremely fragrant. Philadelphus coronarius, with its simple corollas and unequal neroli scent, is an indestructible shrub that was planted in gardens long before Lemoine hybrids or American cultivars. Among the latter, let's mention 'Minesotta Snowflake', with very double flowers, reaching 3 m (10ft) in height. Combining variegated foliage with wonderfully fragrant candid flowering, also discover garden mock orange 'Innocence' and the magnificent Philadelphus coronarius Variegatus, both reaching 2.50 m (8ft) in a few years. The mock orange is a shrub that is undemanding and will not disappoint. Make room for it in a flowering hedge with lilacs, deutzias, kolkwitzias, spring spireas, it deserves it!

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