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Zea mays Plomyk - Popcorn

Zea mays Plomyk

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A variety with small pointed grains, light in colour and of good flavour. The small grains are consumed as popcorn. It is sown from mid-May to mid-June for a harvest from mid-August to mid-October, and it can also be grown in pots. Maize is rich in fibre and carbohydrates and contains vitamins and minerals.
Ease of cultivation
Height at maturity
1 m
Spread at maturity
40 cm
Soil moisture
Moist soil
Germination time (days)
7 days
Sowing method
Direct sowing, Sowing under cover, Sowing under cover with heat
Sowing period May
Flowering time June to August
Harvest time August to October


The 'Plomyk' Popcorn Corn, in Latin Zea mays, is a variety with small pointed grains, which is highly productive. The light-coloured grains with a good flavour are primarily consumed as popcorn. This corn produces two to three ears on each small plant. Sow from mid-May to mid-June for a harvest from mid-August to mid-October. Harvest before the grains turn yellow and dry the grains for about ten days before storing.

Corn plants thrive in sunny locations and require warmth: when planted along the edges of the vegetable garden, they can serve as borders for cultivation areas and provide shade for vegetables that need it (lettuce, cabbage, etc.). Corn is rich in starch and has been a staple for many populations. It is typically consumed cooked as kernels or as whole ears, but it can also be ground into coarse flour for consumption as semolina.

Harvest: Corn is harvested approximately 3 months after sowing, depending on the temperature and watering, when the silks start to brown. The kernels should be well developed but still tender. To check if they are ripe, take a few kernels from an ear and crush them: they should be slightly milky.

Storage: After harvest, remove the green husk covering the ear and consume the corn quickly. To store them for a longer period, cook them first and then preserve them in jars or freeze them.

Gardener's tip: Traditionally, Native Americans cultivate corn in association with climbing beans and squash. These three plants benefit each other: nitrogen nutrition from the beans, support from the corn, and ground cover from the squash leaves. First, sow the corn. When it reaches 10 cm in height, sow two bean seeds and two squash seeds around the corn.


Harvest time August to October
Type of vegetable Seed and pod vegetable
Vegetable colour yellow
Size of vegetable Small
Interest Flavour, Colour
Flavour Sweet
Use Cooking
Product reference 21539

Plant habit

Height at maturity 1 m
Spread at maturity 40 cm
Growth rate very fast
Product reference 21539


Foliage persistence Annual
Foliage colour medium green
Product reference 21539

Botanical data










Cultivar or hybrid

Annual / Perennial


Product reference 21539

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Planting and care

Corn Sowing:

Sow corn in full sun after soaking the seeds in warm water for 12 hours. In the garden, sow in May in well-warmed soil (at least 12°C). You can install a tunnel over early sowings until the temperatures warm up enough. You can start sowing in pots, indoors, as early as April, and plant them in May-June in the garden. Only sow one variety at a time, or two varieties with staggered flowering: corn hybridizes very easily and you won't harvest the variety you sowed. If your garden is less than 200 m from a corn field, you will need to protect your crop during flowering.

To sow in rows, dig furrows 3 cm deep, spaced 70 cm apart. Sow thinly. After germination, thin to 25-30 cm apart in the row. If you are sowing only a few plants, sow them in a square rather than in one or two long rows for better pollination.

To sow indoors, place 2 to 3 seeds per pot in seed compost, mixed with a little compost. Then plant the best-developed seedling.

Corn cultivation:

Corn likes rich soils: add manure or compost when preparing the soil, in the preceding autumn, to enrich the area intended for sowing. The roots are shallow, so hoeing should be very shallow. To promote anchoring, hill up the corn when it reaches 20 cm, then 40 cm in height. Water regularly if it doesn't rain (once a week), and cover the soil with mulch to retain moisture (lawn clippings, straw...).

To facilitate pollination, when the female flowers (located two-thirds up the stem) turn beige, shake the plant. This way, the pollen from the male flower (located at the tip of the stem) will fall onto the female flowers.

The European corn borer, a destructive corn pest, sometimes burrows into the stems, causing them to break. As a preventive measure, shred crop residues before using them (compost or mulch). Practice good crop rotation by not growing corn in the same plot for 3 or 4 years.

  1. €14.90 Tin
  2. €7.50 Bag
  3. €19.50


Sowing period May
Sowing method Direct sowing, Sowing under cover, Sowing under cover with heat
Germination time (days) 7 days
Product reference 21539


Soil moisture Wet
Disease resistance Good
Pruning No pruning necessary
Product reference 21539

Intended location

Type of use Vegetable garden
Ease of cultivation Beginner
Soil light, rich
Exposure Sun
Soil pH Any
Soil type Silty-loamy (rich and light), 130
Product reference 21539

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